Use this tool to add tone marks to pinyin or to convert tone number (e.g. hao3) to tone marks.

Although you can use the red buttons to add tone marks, we highly recommend you use the number method (e.g. hao3) for speed and placement of the accent above the correct vowel. [Hint: Type "v" for "ü"]
Note: You do not need to use this tool to enter pinyin in this dictionary.


7877b481ae86b888bc26df9bec4e5d6fAre you a teacher of Chinese looking to teach foreigners Mandarin online or face-to-face? We want to help connect enthusiastic (and qualified!) teachers with students who want to learn Chinese.
If you’re interested in becoming part of our certified teachers program please leave your details below.
Please note that we are currently not providing course materials or payment for teaching, just the platform for teachers and students to connect and begin a learning journey together!

All teachers who apply will be given a test to certify their ability and then listed in our directory of certified teachers. Students will then be able to search the list to find a teacher in their local area, or to teach via Skype.

Once you have filled out the form, please be patient, we’ll be in touch soon!

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    How Many Years Have You Been Teaching Chinese?

    Your Location (please give specific town or city.)

    Please Tell Us About Your Teaching Experience.