Use this tool to add tone marks to pinyin or to convert tone number (e.g. hao3) to tone marks.

Although you can use the red buttons to add tone marks, we highly recommend you use the number method (e.g. hao3) for speed and placement of the accent above the correct vowel. [Hint: Type "v" for "ü"]
Note: You do not need to use this tool to enter pinyin in this dictionary.

草字头 Cao zi tou: The Grass Radical

Continuing on with our ‘radical’ series, I decided to give you some more information about 草字头 (cǎo zì tóu), the grass radical. 草字头 (cǎo zì tóu) means ‘grass on the head’ and is always found on the top of a character. I really like 艹 because unlike some radicals, most of the characters featuring this radical… Read More

Weighing Up Chinese Measure Words

There’s been one area of my Chinese studying that I’ve found pretty confusing, at times quite annoying, but inevitably (once the penny dropped) rather interesting. For me, Chinese measure words became an added challenge when learning an already intriguing language. But it has to be said, they are an essential part of learning Mandarin. As… Read More

Written Chinese: Where do I start?

It will only take [est_time] to read this post! Posted by Hollie  from WrittenChinese.Com Recently, we’ve had lots of visitors at WrittenChinese.Com asking ‘Where do I start?’ ‘What should I do if I want to learn Chinese from the beginning?’ And these are great questions, because unless you can speak another Asian language such as Japanese… Read More