Use this tool to add tone marks to pinyin or to convert tone number (e.g. hao3) to tone marks.

Although you can use the red buttons to add tone marks, we highly recommend you use the number method (e.g. hao3) for speed and placement of the accent above the correct vowel. [Hint: Type "v" for "ü"]
Note: You do not need to use this tool to enter pinyin in this dictionary.

How to use the Chinese Character 呀 (ya)

Written by Vivian老师 from GoEast Mandarin. A basic introduction to 呀 (ya) Chinese words are divided into many categories and can have several different usages at the same time.  呀 (ya), which we are going to cover here, can be an interjection, like 啊 (a), 喂 (wei), 诶 (ei). Such interjections can express emotions such as… Read More

How to use the Chinese Interjection 哦

Written by Liz老师 from GoEast Mandarin. What are Chinese Interjections? Most often, face-to-face or verbal communication is more effective than written expressions. This is because our facial expressions and changes in tone add to the meaning we want to reveal.For example, although most interjections have only one character, they convey different meanings when expressed differently. Usually,… Read More

How to use the Chinese Interjection 嗯

Written by Liz老师 from GoEast Mandarin. What are Chinese Interjections? You may have heard Chinese people talking on the phone. Interjections are often used during a call, with different tones of voice to imply different meanings. Interjections play a vital role in Chinese. Usually, an interjection is a word that expresses an exclamation, call someone, or… Read More

How to Use the Chinese Interjection 哎

Written by Vivian老师 from GoEast Mandarin. In Chinese, some words don’t mean anything on their own yet express certain emotions, such as exclamation, calling for attention, or responding. These words include 唉 (ai), 啊 (a), 哼 (heng), 哦 (o), and 哎 (ai). Such words are called interjections. These words simulate people’s emotional voice. Despite not having… Read More