Use this tool to add tone marks to pinyin or to convert tone number (e.g. hao3) to tone marks.

Although you can use the red buttons to add tone marks, we highly recommend you use the number method (e.g. hao3) for speed and placement of the accent above the correct vowel. [Hint: Type "v" for "ü"]
Note: You do not need to use this tool to enter pinyin in this dictionary.

“Miss Puff’s Hourglass” Video

It will only take [est_time] to read this post! As we’ve mentioned in previous blog posts, using different resources such as video and audio, can really help your Chinese learning. This video is probably for the more advanced learner, but give it a try, you might be surprised! The last video we posted in our… Read More

“Fou Fou’s Thug Adventure” Video

Watching TV shows and movies in Chinese can be an excellent way to expand your Chinese vocabulary.  Unfortunately, many of us do not have access to Chinese television or the language in the programs is too difficult.  Below we have the first video in a series we have created to help you practice your Chinese… Read More